Depending on the severity of the collision, people have a variety of reactions to being involved in an automobile collision. It is not unusual for people to be shocked, confused, disoriented, and obviously hurt. On other occasions people do not initially recognize that they may have sustained injuries, only to find several hours later that symptoms are presenting themselves.
Your main concern should be to make sure that you and any other involved individuals are properly evaluated and treated for any injuries. Call the police, family members or friends, if you are in need of assistance. In some circumstances, it may be appropriate to call your attorney from the collision scene for guidance.
If you are able, at the collision scene, attempt to get complete information identifying the other people involved in the accident. This would include their names, addresses, telephone numbers, insurance company names, addresses, and policy numbers, license plate numbers, and vehicle makes/models. In addition, given that most people now have mobile phones with cameras, if possible, take several photographs showing the collision scene and involved vehicles. You can also use your camera to take photographs of driver’s license and insurance information.
Report the collision to your insurance company when you are clearheaded and without delay. If necessary, contact an attorney first if you feel there are issues of fault and liability that need to be evaluated. In Minnesota, generally the first source for payment of your accident-related bills will be from your own automobile insurer. Your insurer will likely require you to fill out a No-Fault Benefits Application in order to activate your benefits. Also, refrain from giving any statements (in person, recorded, or otherwise) to involved insurance companies until you have had an opportunity to have your case evaluated by attorney.
Do not delay in receiving treatment and documenting your injuries. Photograph any cuts, bruises, or any other visible medical conditions or devices. Do not sign any documents presented by insurance companies that settle your claims without first having them reviewed by an attorney. You may be entitled to substantial insurance benefits and it generally is not in one’s interest to settle claims early and before the full extent of one’s injuries are known.
Most personal injury attorneys offer a free initial consultation and work on a contingent fee basis, meaning they are not paid fees unless a monetary recovery is made on your behalf. This allows injured parties to obtain early attorney representation at no initial cost. The attorney is then able to bring the appropriate insurance claims on your behalf, investigate the circumstances of the accident, and appropriately guide you through the claims process.
If you would like to discuss the circumstances of your personal injury accident, do not hesitate to contact Richard O’Dea of the O’Dea Law Firm.