Category: Automobile Accidents
Automobile Accidents: How to Keep Your Cool
Whether your vehicle was hit by another vehicle or you unintentionally caused a wreck, keeping calm after an automobile accident can be difficult. It can be tempting to jump out of your vehicle and start yelling at the other driver. This temptation can become even more intense if the other driver does not stay calm. […]
White Bear Lake Auto Accident Lawyer
You’ve been hurt in a car accident. You’re in immense pain, your expenses are racking up, and if you’re like most people, you’re probably wondering what to do and where to turn. The experts at O’Dea Law Firm are here to help. Legally speaking, if another driver’s negligence was the direct cause of your accident, then […]
Insurance and Ridesharing: Know What You’re Getting Into
On the surface, sharing a ride seems like a win-win situation that is a no-brainer for any set of passengers who are heading the same way. You save money and you reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. What could possibly be bad about that? Well, there really isn’t anything bad about it, provided […]
Depending on the severity of the collision, people have a variety of reactions to being involved in an automobile collision. It is not unusual for people to be shocked, confused, disoriented, and obviously hurt. On other occasions people do not initially recognize that they may have sustained injuries, only to find several hours later that […]