Initiative Seeks to Reduce Trucking Accidents
Share the Road is a highway safety program of the American Trucking Association (ATA). On September 1, 2016, a press release announced a new Share the Road instructional video that addresses a number of common problems, including distracted driving. The ATA aims to have this video viewed in as many schools in driver education classes across the country as possible.
Distracted Driving Dangers
The video highlights the dangers presented by a variety of distracted driving habits like texting, eating, drinking or viewing videos. The video also teaches viewers about a trucker’s blind spots to help them understand what a truck driver can and cannot see. Many trucking accidents are related to a truck driver’s blind spots.
In the video, professional truck drivers offer these safety tips:
- Blind spots – Understand that if you can’t see a truck driver’s face, the driver cannot see you.
- Speed – The chance of a crash nearly triples when a motorist drives faster than surrounding traffic.
- Work zones – Reduce speeds and watch for barriers and workers when proceeding through work zones.
- Eyes on the road – a vehicle traveling 60 mph travels more than 80 feet per second. Even a simple text like “o.k.” takes one’s eyes of the road for too long.
- Tailgating – Follow trucks at a safe distance to avoid rear-end collisions and road debris.
- Don’t cut in front – Never cut in front of a semi tractor-trailer or other large truck and then emergency a larger heavier truck takes more distance to brake.
About Share the Road
This highway safety outreach program features a group of professional truck drivers with millions of accident-free miles of driving experience. The life-saving messages they deliver reach millions of motorists every year. ATA is the largest trucking industry trade association in the country.
If you or a family member is a victim of a truck collision, our firm makes it possible to discuss the matter with an attorney at no cost to you. We fight hard to get our clients the full compensation they deserve under the law. To learn more, please contact us.