Personal Injury Lawyer Urges Wisconsin’s Weekend Bikers to Use Extreme Caution
It’s coming close to the weekend and according to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s statistics that means one thing. Motorcycle accidents willlikely be on the rise. Each year, the state’s best number crunchers compile details about such accidents and compare them over time. It’s how they determined that weekends, typically between 1 p.m. and 4 a.m., tend to be prime accident time for bikers.
Personal Injury Lawyer Shares Why So Many End Up Injured
Speeding, drinking, drugging, distraction, road conditions, mechanical failure and questionable skills all play roles in Wisconsin’s motorcycle accident rates. And failure to wear the proper riding gear clearly impacts bikers’ health too. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration routinely conducts studies on motorcycle injures and their related costs as does the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. So collectively, they’ve found that trauma to riders’ heads and lower-extremities tend to be most common.
Personal Injury Lawyers Review Costs Associated with Motorcycle Accidents
They also tend to be among the most costly, life-altering and fatal injuries. Let’s run through the head trauma numbers to start. Research America puts the lifetime financial burden to each, traumatically injured person in excess of $80,000. That figure includes immediate acute care and any long-term assistance needed to help victims live as fully as possible. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, on the other hand, puts lower-extremity injury costs per person at $55,000 or more. So just imagine if a motorcyclist injured his or her head as well as the lower-extremities. Such an accident could create bills well over $130,000 and chances are the insurance providers associated with the incident wouldn’t cover it all.
So Who Covers the Astronomical Costs of Motorcycle Accidents?
Who would cover the extra costs? That’s a question for personal injury lawyers familiar with Wisconsin’s motorcycle and insurance laws. To learn more about who may be liable to pay healthcare costs in any given motorcycle accident in the state, please contact us at the O’Dea Law Firm now.