Personal Injury Tips: What to Do Immediately After Being Bitten By a Dog
Being bitten by a dog can be a terrifying experience, whether the bite is caused by a small dog or a monstrous one. While going through something so scary and traumatic, it can be easy not to know how to handle things. However, the way that you handle the situation immediately after the dog bite can make a big difference in how things turn out, so consider these tips for what to do immediately after being bitten by a dog.
Take Notes
Take notes of anything surrounding the attack. You’ll want a clear description of the dog that caused the bite and a quick description of what happened in the moments before, during and after the bite. If possible, take a picture of the dog — a quick picture with your cell phone camera should suffice.
Get Help
First, you’ll want to call the local animal control or other related agency to ensure that the matter is handled properly and promptly. Animal control will need to determine if the dog has had its rabies shot and if there are any other concerns that you should be worried about, and it should also make sure that the dog is contained to help prevent anyone else from being attacked.
You’ll also want to seek medical attention right away. Dog bites can be serious, so you’ll need to seek the proper treatment. Plus, it’s smart to have the bite and its effects properly documented.
Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
You should not be on the hook for the medical bills and other expenses related to a dog bite from someone else’s dog. This is why it’s important to talk to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the attack. If you are looking for an attorney that you can trust with this matter or any other personal injury case, contact us at O’Dea Law Firm today.